An ode to the dreams of my inner Earth child: My Secret Garden

An ode to the dreams of my inner Earth child: My Secret Garden

in Me & My Masala Chai

Making a home in a foreign land has never easy on the heart. There have been days when i struggle to understand where I truly belong. With my heart still left behind in India, the memories of which never left my side and just like most of you, I have also tried to make a home here for myself with things that I miss the most from my childhood -  some dreams and aspirations.

I have always lived a city life, first with my parents and then with my husband, which always meant never having enough space to nurture a garden, whatsoever. Just a few plants out in the balcony and that was it. I also remember watering those plants every evening with my parents, the smell of earth felt therapeutic every time. I didn't grow up as an earth child but i became one as i grew older and felt the need to connect more with nature and its beautiful creations. It soothed my heart, specially on days I was hurting. And no matter where i lived, the earth just kept calling me out to me. That's when i began to bring outdoors inside with little things of nature that made me happy.

My plant family have grown extensively over the the last couple of years and i truly enjoy being a homebody most days surrounded by it. But being someone who appreciates a slow life, my heart still yearns for a beautiful little garden in the backyard of a nice cozy home.


A secret garden that I can call mine. And decorate it with all the things I miss about my home and the time i spent with my parents.


a hidden sanctuary where wilderness whispers
and beautiful memories bloom all year long.
a hidden sanctuary where I can be my most untamed self,
unwind and rediscover parts of myself all over again
a hidden sanctuary that blends both wild and delicate,
the healing and the hurting, the dreams and the reality 


This curation thus, an ode to the dreams of my inner earth child, who grew up wishing for a magical little garden in the backyard where — delicate wildflowers and memories bloomed all year around and a translation of that dream into beautiful prints and hand-embroidered details that speak the same love language

Handpicked and curated with that thought and love, this curation of hand-embroidered cushions, imbued with the mystique and tranquility of a secret garden is an invitation from me to you - to explore the wilderness from the comfort of your home and to uncover the beauty of your own secret garden, the way you like!